Posts Tagged "lead generation"

Is Your Aging In-House Database Killing Your Business? by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Jun 14, 2019 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Principles of Success, Training and HR

Aging data in your B2B marketing database is a serious issue that can slowly KILL your business. It can be costly to address, but even MORE costly to IGNORE. Data ages at an alarming rate. The truth is ALL data is fluid, constantly changing.  Why? Because people change jobs, they move, retire, change industries, and (unfortunately) they die. People today are moving around much more than you might think. In the US, people change jobs an average of once every 4.2 years. (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018) Millennials change jobs every 2.8 years! (Dept. of Labor 2018) The average tenure at Google...

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How Much Did Bad List Data Cost You in 2018? by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Dec 12, 2018 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Training and HR

Here’s a question for you: What’s the real cost of using poor data sources in your business? Everyone marketing and selling to corporate training and HR is looking for a silver bullet to reach qualified decision makers.  While there is no one right way to market to this sector, one thing is clear – you must avoid the “bad data trap” if you are to achieve success selling to these markets. Exhausting your time trying to manage poor data while marketing your products and services can cause immense setbacks to your business. Using “inexpensive” lists with inaccurate information will negatively...

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What WORKS when Marketing to Corporate Training & HR? by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Sep 17, 2018 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Principles of Success, Training and HR

After almost 20 years in this industry, we know a thing or two about what works when marketing to Corporate Training and HR. As a matter of fact, working with our clients has provided us with some incredible insights regarding the secret to sales and marketing success in this industry. This week, we are excited to reveal the secrets behind how Acumen Learning leveraged the MTG database to yield some incredible results!  Using a multi-faceted marketing approach, in their six years using the MTG database, Acumen has achieved the following results:   Invoiced more than 21 times the cost of the...

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Two Things Professional Sales People Need Most by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Nov 8, 2016 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Principles of Success, Training and HR

Two foundational elements are crucial to the success of sales, without which, most sales organizations will suffer from: A weak sales pipeline Anemic revenue numbers Turnover of high powered sales reps Odds are likely that you’re making at least one of these mistakes, but choosing to ignore them or assuming you have them mastered is a HUGE mistake. Here’s the good news… You can easily fix the problem, IF you know what it is… So, what are these two critical elements to the success of sales? Do you have ENOUGH LEADS? The first question is simply this: Do you have enough new...

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Six Takeaways from Disney’s Model of Success by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Aug 24, 2016 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Principles of Success, Training and HR

The Walt Disney Company is inarguably one of the most successful corporate brands in the world. Like it or loathe it, there are certainly valuable lessons we can learn from Disney’s success over the years. Originally known for its animated films and theme parks, The Walt Disney Company has developed into a “Diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise.” Today, with more than $46B in revenue, 175,000 employees worldwide, and five mammoth business segments, Disney is considered one of the most valuable brands on the planet. So, what practical strategies can we learn from...

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