Posts Tagged "lead generation"

Top Ways to Nurture Your “Not Now” Leads

Posted on Aug 1, 2022 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Training and HR

You’ve worked hard to turn a number of leads into a pipeline of qualified prospects…BUT, not every prospect is ready to buy when you contact them. So – how do you stay in front of prospects when they’ve said, “not now”? Prospects need time to develop trust in you, your company, and your services before they will consider buying from you. As a matter of fact, data has shown it takes an average of seven impressions before a prospect will remember your company. But, it’s not just the number of touches that matters…it is also the quality of those touches. What does this mean for those in...

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10 Email Marketing Best Practices by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Jan 17, 2020 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Training and HR

When DONE CORRECTLY, email marketing can be a highly effective way to: Generate leads and nurture them over time Boost sales Build brand loyalty Increase website traffic Based on our experience, we have compiled the following list of email marketing best practices to help you achieve success in 2020! 10 Email Marketing Best Practices to Achieve Success Follow all CAN-SPAM Laws. Within your email content, be sure to include: Your physical address Email address Phone number The ability for the recipient to easily unsubscribe from your email campaigns Remove all unsubscribes and bounces from...

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5 Ways to Sell More in Less Time By Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Dec 2, 2019 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Training and HR

In any sales environment, time management is a key factor in what sets apart top-performing sales reps from all the rest.  Show me your best sales reps and I’ll show you people who have mastered time management.  But for many, time management can be an ongoing challenge. As a matter of fact, many sales reps spend only 20% of their time actually selling! Sales professionals are pulled in a myriad of directions and must perform many varied tasks, each and every day. This is why it is critical that every sales rep has an organized approach to how they plan their time.  So, let’s dive...

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Top 10 Tips when Marketing to Corporate Training & HR by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Nov 5, 2019 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Training and HR

In today’s complex world of B2B marketing, social media, ad-words and analytics, it’s easy to get caught up in the details of marketing and forget the BASICS. I’m sure you have your hands full every week: keeping up with social media trends, measuring response rates, testing and tweaking new marketing campaigns, tracking Google analytics, identifying new markets, honing your message, and meeting your sales team’s constant requests for MORE, high-quality leads! But — are you SURE you have the BASICS covered?  If you fail to keep several marketing basics in mind…success may elude you. Let’s...

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Solution to Summer Sales Slump – Don’t Let off the Gas by Aleshia Humphries

Posted on Jul 8, 2019 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Principles of Success, Training and HR

Most companies wind down in the summer months because prospects are on vacation, employees take time off, kids are out of school, etc.  But is that really the best strategy?   The physics concept of “a body in motion stays in motion” comes to mind when I think of taking time off from my sales and marketing efforts.  I once read that it takes twice the effort to get something moving than it does to keep it moving — and this also applies to business.    So instead of slacking off on your outreach because you think nobody’s in the office or will pay attention to you, think again.  Here...

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