Posts Tagged "employee retention"

Five Keys to Reduce Costly Employee Turnover (…Before It’s Too Late) by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Nov 17, 2015 in Blog, Meeting/Event Planning, Training and HR

Don’t assume your sales reps are going to stay with you forever… It takes PROACTIVE measures to retain good  employees. Consider the alternative: It costs 150 percent of a sales person’s annual salary to replace them It takes 5-6 months for most new hires to reach full productivity Turnover negatively affects productivity, service continuity, and team dynamics But here is the GOOD news: There are key drivers you can leverage to drive employee retention.  If you want to keep your high value employees from leaving, it is critical that you employ these five tips before it’s too late. First,...

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Five Keys to Reduce Costly Employee Turnover (…Before It’s Too Late) by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Sep 3, 2014 in Archive

When looking at current trends in employee turnover, there is good news and bad news…  First, the bad news: Employee turnover is expected to continue to rise through the balance of 2014 and beyond, as economic growth returns.  This could mean trouble if you have dissatisfied workers who may begin searching for a more favorable work arrangement. Now, the good news:  There are key drivers you can leverage to drive employee retention.  If you want to keep your high value employees from leaving, it is critical that you employ these five tips before it’s too late. First, let’s review...

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How to Reduce Turnover when Selling/Marketing to Corporate Training & HR by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Sep 17, 2013 in Archive

We’ve all heard (and experienced) that companies today are asking employees to ‘do more with less’.  But, exactly how are we supposed to go about this?  Increased workplace pressures often lead to employee frustration, overload, burnout and increased rates of turnover.  Given the pressures and restrictions of “doing more with less”, shouldn’t we all be asking, “How can we maximize productivity and performance in the workplace?”  The answer could be as simple (and elusive) as ‘increasing employee engagement’.  Can employee engagement really make a difference to the bottom line?  In a word:...

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