Posts Tagged "Director Training list"

Unlocking Effective Marketing to Corporate Training & HR by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Nov 7, 2023 in Blog, Training and HR

While there are many ways that companies attempt to market and sell to Corporate Training and HR decision-makers, not all are successful. Many fail miserably. But there’s no need for that! Are you looking for ideas to generate better results when marketing to Corporate Training and HR? We have some proven answers for you… As a matter of fact, Mentor Tech Group has removed ALL the guesswork for you. With more than two decades of specialization in this industry, we’ve gained profound insights into what works. Partnering with Mentor Tech Group grants you access to our...

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Email Marketing Mastery: Unleashing Your Inbox Impact by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Oct 11, 2023 in Blog, Principles of Success, Training and HR

If your emails are going unnoticed, it could be attributed to several common errors. But with a little effort, you can fix each of these to increase your results! 1.) Targeting Mistakes One reason your emails might be overlooked is due to incorrect targeting. This could result from outdated contact information or the fact that you’re reaching out to individuals who aren’t the key decision-makers in the field of Corporate Training and HR that you need for success. Outdated In-house Data: If you’re solely marketing to your in-house database, chances are it’s filled with...

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5 Tips for AI-Enhanced Success in L&D Sales

Posted on Sep 26, 2023 in Blog, Training and HR

Are you in the business of selling to Learning and Development (L&D) buyers? In today’s ever-evolving market, utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) can give you the edge you need to stand out and close deals effectively. AI has the potential to transform your sales approach, making it more personalized, data-driven, and efficient. Here are some helpful tips to help you leverage AI when selling to L&D buyers: Insights into Buyer Behavior: Understand Your Audience AI can provide invaluable insights into buyer behavior by analyzing their interactions with your content and...

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Ask These 5 Questions Before Buying a Lead List by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Sep 11, 2023 in Blog, Principles of Success, Training and HR

When marketing and selling to Corporate Training and HR, you are always looking for better ways to find quality leads. You might attend trade shows, network via LinkedIn, and/or purchase marketing lists from time-to-time. But – if you are purchasing an INEXPENSIVE list of contacts – you may be inadvertently using THE most expensive way to source quality leads. Although buying an inexpensive list may appear to be a good option to secure lots of prospects for little investment, this is probably the worst way to go about sourcing leads. Why?  Well, that “inexpensive” list you purchased probably...

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What to Know About L&D Buyers Today by Jae-ann Rock

Posted on Aug 22, 2023 in Blog, Principles of Success, Training and HR

We all know that L&D leaders are looking for solutions to meet the changing needs of their organizations and learning and development initiatives. But, when marketing and selling to this sector, it’s important to know: Who is the L&D buyer?  How do they make buying decisions? Where can you find an accurate list of these decision-makers? Let’s explore these topics… 1.) Who is the average L&D buyer? Age: The average L&D buyer is 40-50 years old. Gender: The majority of L&D buyers are women. Education: The average L&D buyer has a master’s degree. Job title: The...

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