Posts Tagged "closing the sale"

How to Create a Comprehensive Prospect Profile (Part 2 of 2) By Pat Ryan

Posted on Mar 12, 2013 in Archive, Training and HR

What is the best way to build a comprehensive profile of your prospect?  In our last blog post, we covered SPIN selling techniques, a framework used to gather valuable information from your prospects.  This week, we dig deeper by sharing Question Guidelines, designed to help you build a more comprehensive prospect profile.  Ask your prospects these questions to help them open up, allowing you to quickly identify key areas of pain and/or need. So, let’s get right into it…  Here are the kind of prospecting questions you should be asking… Question Guidelines When speaking with prospects,...

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How to Become a Peak Performer on the Call (Part 3 of 3) by Pat Ryan

Posted on Feb 12, 2013 in Archive, Training and HR

After the Call – Sales Notes, CRMs and Remaining Positive In our last two blog articles, we covered tips and ideas that will help you BEFORE and DURING every phone call you make, helping you become a peak performer on the telephone.  This week, in the third part of our series, we will cover a few important tips you should do AFTER every call to increase your sales success.  (Hint: Find a tip or two to focus on cultivating during the coming weeks and watch your sales game improve measurably!) 1. Expand Upon Your Notes Go back to the high-level notes you wrote during the conversation—and make...

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How to Become a Peak Performer on the Telephone (Part 2 of 3) by Pat Ryan

Posted on Jan 29, 2013 in Archive, Training and HR

During the Call—Be Your Best In our last blog post, we brought to light three best practice techniques to employ BEFORE you make a call.  This week, we will identify the top 6 things to do DURING every call that will help SET THE PROPER TONE for you become a peak performer on the telephone. So, what are the top 6 things you should always do during every call to greatly improve results?  See below, determine which tips you use regularly and assess those areas where might you need a little work… 1. Voice Tone and Projection How is your telephone voice?  Do you speak clearly?  Do you...

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